Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021, 9 (28): 6-12
UDC 338.27 : 519.71 : 330.46
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2021.9(28).1

Olga Demeshok
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»;

Abstract: The article states that the promotion of resource efficiency will be facilitated by the development of a detailed action plan for the implementation of the green economy, in line with the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. Sustainable development is ensured by the balance of three components: economic, social and environmental. The modern state policy on the subject of development of the concept of "green" economy in Ukraine is analyzed. the condition for further economic development is a significant change in the current economic system, the transition to a new economic model and the implementation of the basic principles of sustainable development. One of the best options for such changes, according to many scientists around the world, is the concept of "green economy". Compliance with environmental legislation by domestic companies will have a positive impact on the economic performance of their activities. Thus, the "green economy" will accelerate the process of transition to sustainable development. The level of ecological situation and development of the national ecological system of Ukraine, its place on these indicators among other countries of the world can be estimated by means of the international index of ecological dimension. The higher this figure, the worse the results of pollution of the country's ecosystem. This index and its indicators determine a country's ability to protect its environment in the short and long term.
In addition, this index can be used as a powerful tool for decision-making on an analytical basis, taking into account the social and economic dimensions of sustainable development. The transition of Ukraine's economy to market principles is impossible without reforming the economy and improving economic levers in the field of natural resources management. Thus, the study of the tools and differences of the "green" economy allowed us to draw the following conclusions: under the current model of production, world economic growth can create a state where the damage from pollution and environmental degradation will significantly outweigh the income. Thus, in order to prevent this situation, it will be necessary to introduce innovations to reproduce natural resources.

Key words: green economy, sustainable development, ecological system, ecological dimension index.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2021
Date of online version: 2021